
How To Write A Successful CDR Report ?

How To Write A Successful CDR Report ?

How To Write A Successful CDR Report?

Many candidates wonder about How To Write A Successful CDR Report. For an engineer who has applied for migration to Australia, a CDR report plays an important role. It includes all the important details of the engineer’s skills, talent, and attributes required for the successful Migration Skills Assessment. Engineers Australia, a recognized body for all the engineers in Australia, is liable for evaluating the skills of the migrating engineers to Australia.

The candidates need to do it comprehensively because of the value of the Competency Demonstration Report. They must follow all of the guidelines and recommendations are given by EA in the MSA booklet and include all the characteristics and descriptions of their work experience in the CDR. They must prepare a winning CDR report for the Migration Skills Assessment to be successfully evaluated by EA. They can also seek assistance from experts in CDR writing to get perfect and well-structured CDRs. has a team of experts to deliver CDRs of the highest quality to the engineers. Our professionals ensure that the Career Episodes discuss all the evidence provided by the engineer. To those applicants who want to write their CDR for assessment, we also offer them CDR samples for reference purposes. For Summary Statement writing and Career Episode writing, we offer assistance to all candidates. The engineers can get detailed reviews of their CDR through our CDR review service and even get constructive comments for improvement. Not only do we check the spelling and grammatical mistakes, but we also ensure that the CDR structure is per EA guidelines.

CDR Report Writing

CDR writing requires considerable time and effort as the details mentioned should be accurate. A complete CDR report comprises of the following,

  • CDR Application form
  • The copies of your academic records
  • International English Language Test result (IELTS)
  • Curriculum Vitae or Resume
  • The declaration that the CDR report has been done by you
  • Summary Statement with elements linked to correct paragraphs in Career Episodes
  • Three Career Episodes
  • Continuous Profession Development list

Tips on How To Write A Successful CDR Report

Engineers Australia expects each migrating engineer to prepare their own CDR report, but if you don’t prepare the report according to the MSA booklet guidelines, there is a chance that the EA will reject your CDR. Do many candidates wonder how To Write A Successful CDR Report? offers assistance in the preparation of an error-free CDR for such applicants, which will help them get a good rating from EA.

Here are few tips for candidates writing their own CDRs that will help you write CDR reports on EA parameters.

  • You should read the EA guidelines and understand the purpose of preparing the report before you start writing your CDR. It has three main components-a summary statement, three episodes of a career, and a list of CPDs.

  • For Career Episodes, select the topics wisely. You must test the qualities that EA is looking for in candidates and then make a detailed episode of your skills and knowledge and how you learned them.

  • In two Career Episodes never mention one project as it will lead to confusion. Engineers Australia would like to know your skills in multiple projects you have accomplished before

  • Be careful about using English as it is written in Australian English by the CDR Engineers Australia. Ensure that the style of writing, spelling, and grammar are close to that of the Australian language. Do not forget to provide the translation if you plan the Career Episodes in other languages

  • Write the report in an active voice and the first person.

  • Never speak about your team since the EA does not about your team rather it wants to know your skills and talent.

  • EA is strict on plagiarism, so make sure you don’t copy anything from other outlets like the internet, books, or magazines. Just write about your successes and work experience only. You can also refer to the CDR sample to see the CDR’s structure

  • Be alert when writing a Summary Statement because it is the first thing EA evaluators are reading. You need to connect the elements to the appropriate paragraphs in CEs in the Summary Statement.