
Why ACS Deduct Your Work Experience for Skill Assessment?

ACS Work Experience Deduction Calculation

ACS has assessed your ICT abilities, knowledge, and work experience. It should be highlighted that professionals from other countries without ICT degrees or other higher education must present their skills to the ACS RPL report. ACS also deducts work experience from the migration skill assessment.

If you plan to relocate to Australia, the Australian Computer Society will evaluate your qualifications, work experience, and skills within ICT. Applicants from other countries who do not hold an ICT degree, such as those with tertiary credentials or inadequate ICT qualifications, must complete an RPL report form for ACS skill evaluation to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities for Australia Skilled Migration.

In addition to the ACS skill assessment, anyone planning to visit Australia must also undergo a PR skills assessment. There are a variety of ACS skill assessment work experience and a variety of ACS qualifying requirements. You must have the relevant skill to come to Australia as an IT professional in an ICT-related industry.

The conclusion of the suitability criteria determines the date on your ACS result letter. After the Skill Level Requirement Met Date, all relevant work experience is considered skilled employment and is eligible for skilled migration points. Experience required to meet the appropriateness criteria is not considered skilled employment and is not eligible for the skilled migration points test. To qualify, you must have two years of relevant work experience before or after completing your Bachelor’s degree.

Applicants without ICT experience or a degree in ICT are required to provide an acknowledgment of prior learning reports. Tests administered by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) are required. ACS migration skills assessment requires your academic background and professional experience at the ICT level. It must be closely related to the reported occupation.

The ACS migration skills assessment will determine your ANZSCO codes if your educational credentials and work experience are professional in ICT and closely related to your chosen occupation for migration purposes. Reference letters contain information about your knowledge, skills, experiences, and evaluations of your ability to perform specific tasks under duress. A well-written recommendation letter can ease your job search.

The ACS work experience calculator calculates how much work experience is required to meet the suitability standards. Requirements, course groups, and project reports are reviewed to determine whether an ICT professional unit is appropriate.

It determines whether the certification is a Major, Minor or if the ICT experience is insufficient.

  • Vocational units that are closely related to ICT units are assessed.
  • Events related to employment are also evaluated to determine if they apply to the chosen profession.

Format of a Job Reference Letter

Candidates must submit an RPL report and a letter of recommendation from a previous employer. The ACS society will evaluate your RPL report based on your work history and experiences. An employment reference letter includes your educational credentials, professional experience, talents, and competence.

For migration skills evaluation to be relevant, work experience must be of a professional ICT level and related to the chosen occupation.

Skilled Employment

To be eligible for competence evaluation, one must work at least 20 hours per week in a remunerated position. The chosen job must have enough depth and complexity to be considered for a particular career. The salary should be commensurate with the level of competence required. Unpaid/partially paid leave, and volunteer activities will not be considered paid work at the requisite skill level of a specific occupation.

You only qualify for migration points as skilled employment after you’ve met the ACS qualifications. Experience used to meet the suitability requirements is not considered skilled work and does not qualify for migration points.

ACS Work Experience Deduction

ACS deducts around 2 to 4 years of job experience, depending on an applicant’s background. Work experience deductions would also depend on how closely your occupation matches the ANZSCO classification. Therefore, your talents, roles, and responsibilities must match the ANZSCO codes for the best outcomes.

A worker’s employment experience is typically subtracted by two years since the ACS believes the workers are training during those two years. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in the IT sector, two years of experience will be deducted. Your total work experience will decrease by four years if you come from a profession other than ICT.

ANZSCO code for the application process must be chosen based on the applicant’s expertise and abilities. RPL reports must be written and submitted to the ACS, along with other documentation, based on this phase. Once your RPL report has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation with a reference number that will allow you to track its progress. It typically takes 8-10 days for the report to arrive.

Deduction Factors for ACS Work Experience

The following are the criteria to consider while making a deduction:

  • If your qualifications and skills do not match those listed in the ANZSCO code,
  • The year in which you completed your bachelor’s degree
  • Your specialized subject
  • According to the ANZSCO code, the work and abilities obtained during work are relevant.
  • Furthermore, if you already have a degree or ACS certification, you will have an advantage and will not be subject to any deductions.

As a result of the foregoing, it is clear that the RPL report will play an empirical role in the ACS’s approval of skilled migration. As a result, it’s a good idea to hire a specialist in this industry who has years of expertise in creating RPL reports. Our professionals have years of experience in this field and a track record of delivering reliable results.

Example of ACS Experience deduction

For your convenience, I’ve included an example below.

A deduction would only be made if you had a Bachelor’s degree in the same field as March 31, 2008, and 4 years of relevant work experience. Deductions will be made per skill level, and the deduction date will be June 31, 2010.

After March 31, 2010, all relevant experiences will be considered, and skilled employees will be considered after this date. Two years of work experience will be considered for the suitability criteria, but it will not qualify you for the migration point test.

ACS ‘AFTER’ start date 

According to the ACS skill evaluation report, the “after month” is one of the most important components of skilled migration. ACS does not set a deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest. According to ACS, the date of the application submission may be taken into account in the EOI.