Why is CDR Plagiarism Checking and Removal Important?

Last Updated : a year ago

Australia Migration


The CDR report is a ticket to showcase an engineer’s skills and expertise with the aim of getting to Australia. However, there’s one major hurdle that you need to overcome before submitting your CDR report - plagiarism. 

Plagiarism can be a serious problem for CDR applicants, as it can result in the rejection of your visa application. Therefore, any applicant intending to submit a CDR report should not skimp on submitting a plagiarism-free CDR Report

Get your feet wet as we’ll explore why plagiarism checking and removal is paramount before submitting a CDR report to the EA. Keep reading!



Why Is Plagiarism Checking Important for CDR Reports Submitted To Engineers Australia?

Check out the following reasons why CDR plagiarism checking is essential:

1. Avoid Rejection of Visa Application

Engineers Australia has a strict policy on plagiarism, and any CDR report that contains even the slightest trace of plagiarism could result in your visa application being rejected. 

To avoid having your visa application rejected, it's critical to ensure that your CDR report is free of plagiarism. By checking for plagiarism in your CDR report, you'll be giving yourself the best possible chance of success in your visa application.


2. Meet Engineers Australia's Standards

Engineers Australia sets high standards for CDR reports. Your report must demonstrate your engineering skills and expertise, while also being free of plagiarism. By checking your CDR report for plagiarism, you're ensuring that your work meets the high standards expected by Engineers Australia.


3. Ensure Originality of Work

Your CDR report must be your own original work, demonstrating your unique skills and experience as an engineer. By checking for plagiarism, you're ensuring that your report is original and not copied from another source. 

This demonstrates your integrity as an engineer and shows that you have the necessary skills to work in Australia.



Why is Plagiarism Removal Important for CDR Reports Submitted to Engineers Australia?

Check out the following reasons why CDR plagiarism removal is essential:

1. Maintain Reputation and Credibility

Your reputation and credibility as an engineer are at stake when you submit a CDR report to Engineers Australia. If your report contains plagiarized content, it could negatively impact your reputation and credibility. 

By removing any instances of plagiarism in your CDR report, you're maintaining your reputation and credibility as an engineer.


2. Avoid Negative Consequences

Plagiarism can have severe consequences, including rejection of your visa application and permanent exclusion from Engineers Australia's membership.

By removing any instances of plagiarism in your CDR report, you're avoiding these negative consequences and giving yourself the best possible chance of success in your visa application.



Tips for Plagiarism Checking and Removal

Here are some tips to help you effectively check and remove plagiarism in your CDR report:

  • Use online plagiarism-checking tools such as Turnitin, Grammarly, or Quetext to check for any instances of plagiarism.
  • Use quotes and citations to give credit to the original source of any ideas, concepts, or words that you've used in your report.
  • Paraphrase the content you want to include in your CDR report in your own words.
  • Edit your report thoroughly to ensure that all instances of plagiarism have been removed.
  • Use a plagiarism checker to check your references and citations for accuracy and completeness.
  • Use a thesaurus to help you find alternative words and phrases for any content that you're struggling to paraphrase.




In conclusion, plagiarism checking and removal is a crucial step when submitting a CDR report to Engineers Australia. By adhering to Engineers Australia's high standards and avoiding plagiarism, your chances of getting a visa are better.

Nevertheless, if you are still struggling consider reaching out to CDR Skill Assessment to get the plagiarism checking and removing service you’ve always wanted!

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CDRskillassessment Blog is a Blog hub for Engineers migrating to Australia on all facets of CDR writing, ranging from detailed Australia Migration to in-depth coverage of new CDR writing trends and techniques.
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