The Ultimate Guide to Writing Your Partner Visa Relationship Statement

Last Updated : a year ago

Australia Migration


Are you planning to apply for a partner visa but feeling overwhelmed by the thought of writing a relationship statement? Crafting compelling relationship statements that showcase your love story is often a daunting task. But fear not! 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential elements, share best practices for creating a compelling narrative, and provide you with a stellar relationship statement example to follow.  

So, let’s dive in and discover how to create a powerful relationship statement that will help secure your partner's visa.  

Read also 👉: Complete Guide To CDR Report Writing  ✍️ 


What is a Relationship Statement?  

Relationship statements are a vital part of partner visa applications, especially for Australia. It serves as a written account of your relationship history, demonstrating the genuine nature of your connection and commitment to one another.  

It’s your opportunity to provide a personal and emotional context to your application, and it can be the deciding factor in your visa approval.  


Key Elements of a Relationship Statement 

Here are the essential elements that should be included in your relationship statement partner visa Australia sample:  

1. Introduction  

Begin with a brief introduction of yourself and your partner, including your full names, nationalities, and ages. 


2. Relationship History 

Detail how and when you first met, the development of your relationship, and any significant milestones.  


3. Financial Aspects 

Describe how you share finances, joint assets, and responsibilities as a couple.  


4. Nature of the Household 

Explain your living arrangements, including shared responsibilities and any dependents. 


5. Social Context 

Discuss family and friends’ involvement in your relationship, along with any social activities you enjoy together.   


6. Future Plans  

Share your long-term goals as a couple, such as career aspirations, family planning, and travel.  



10 tips to pen the perfect partner visa relationship statement

Before diving into the relationship statement sample, you must familiarize yourself with the pointers also featured in the relationship history statement sample presented here. 

1. Embrace Vulnerability  

Don’t be embarrassed to share the nitty gritty details of your love story. This is your chance to convey the essence of your relationship and demonstrate its authenticity.  


2. Check your Grammar 

Make a lasting impression with a well-written statement. Good grammar and accurate spelling show attention to detail and professionalism.  


3. The Beginning 

Explain how it all started. Describe the moment you first met, how you felt, and the progression of your relationship. Paint a vivid picture of your budding romance. 


4. The Journey  

Chronicle the milestones and significant events in your relationship. From vacations to family gatherings, these memories help paint a comprehensive portrait of your life together.  


5. The Connection 

Showcase the emotional, financial, and social aspects of your relationship. Provide a relationship statement example of how you support each other in various aspects of life.  


6. Day-to-Day Lives 

Detail your daily routines and home life. This glimpse into your everyday lives reinforces the authenticity of your relationship.  


7. Overcoming Obstacles 

Every love story faces challenges. Share the obstacles you’ve overcome together, demonstrating your commitment and resilience.  


8. Family and Friends  

Mention the role family and friends play in your relationship. Include examples of their support and integration into each other’s lives.  


9. Future Plans 

Envision your future together. Share your dreams and aspirations, illustrating your shared vision of life united.  


10. Photos and Mementos 

Add visual elements to your statement. Include photos, ticket stubs, or love letters to showcase your history and strengthen your narrative.  



Relationship statement partner visa Australia sample 

Below is a statement of relationship example that you can use as a reference when crafting your statement: 

Relationship statement sample #1 

“John and I first crossed paths in 2017 during a work conference in Melbourne. Our shared interests in photography and hiking led to a strong friendship that quickly blossomed into a romantic relationship. As our love grew, we faced challenges such as overcoming distance and blending into our families. 


We have demonstrated our commitment to each other by moving in together, adopting a pet, and regularly visiting each other's family members. Financially, we maintain a joint bank account, share household expenses, and invest in our future together. 


Our social life includes a close-knit group of friends with whom we regularly gather for dinners, outdoor activities, and weekend getaways. We are also active members of our local community, volunteering for various initiatives and events. 


As we look to the future, our plans include furthering our education, starting a family, and continuing our journey of personal growth as a couple in Australia.” 


Relationship statement sample #2 

“Jane and I met in 2018 at a mutual friend's birthday party in Sydney. We instantly connected over our shared love of travel and our passion for volunteering. After eight months of dating, we decided to move in together to strengthen our relationship and share our daily lives. 


Our commitment to one another grew as we tackled various challenges, such as navigating our cultural differences and supporting each other through career transitions. In 2020, Jane and I got engaged during a romantic trip to the Great Barrier Reef, further solidifying our commitment to a shared future. 


Financially, we have a joint bank account and have purchased a home together. We equally share household expenses and support each other's career goals. Our social life revolves around spending time with friends, and family, and participating in local community events. 


Looking ahead, Jane and I plan to start a family and continue traveling the world together. We are both committed to creating a loving, supportive, and fulfilling life together in Australia.” 


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Final Words 

Remember, your relationship statement is your opportunity to make a lasting impression on immigration officials. By following this guide, you'll create a compelling account of your love story that will leave them with no doubt that you and your partner are meant to be together. 


Now, go forth and conquer the world of partner visa applications, one heartfelt line at a time! 

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